How confident should a Dom be?
People who identify themselves as Doms play a dominant role in a BDSM relationship. During the scene, they are supposed to give directions, sometimes bark orders, doing the beating and put the sub in restraints, and so on. The subs, on the other hand, has to obey their Dom and need to answer demands with “Yes, Master or Yes, Mistress”.On the surface, the Dom needs to be very confident and knows what is best for both of them, which could be very deceiving.
Behaviours during the scene is not what how people act in real life. These behaviours are based on the role-playing of both parties. You can think of the Dom and Sub as actors who choose to adopt a different personalities during the scene. After the scene ends, they came down to earth and act normal again. They are just normal people like everyone else.
Sometimes when we talk to a person, they would quickly say they are Doms and demand others to call them Master or Mistress. They would say things like “I know what you need”; “You will be very happy after I am through with you!”; “I will satisfy you like no other!”. If you hear these comments when you just met these people, RUN!
No two BDSM relationship are exactly the same, different people have different needs. No matter how much experience the Dom has, he or she still needs to learn your needs, your limits and build a relationship with you through time. Being cocky when you meet someone new is generally not a good trait I would look for in a Dom. I would rather just act normal, show that you are interested, ready to learn more about the person next to you. Letting them know that you will proceed with caution and patience and work with the sub to achieve the best outcome together.